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Elevate your sales game by learning how to prospect like a pro, getting better referrals, and refining your techniques to win more sales now.
If I were to give you a referral and you called my friend 3 times and she didn't call you back... what would you say on the 4th voicemail?
Do you know specifically how to get someone to return your phone call, and in turn position yourself so that they are excited to work with you and they invite you over for a meeting.
What if we met 8 months ago, and you determined 8 months later that I'm a viable lead? What do you say 8 months later to get an appointment with me?
Have you asked every person that bought your product and service for a referral? Do you have a referral form?
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Does This Sound Like You...
Or a team you are leading or are a part of?
- Are your prospects and leads all over the place?
- Do you know how to get someone to ask you for an appointment to learn more about your product/service?
- Do prospects frequently tell you, “let me think about it”?
- Are you allowing the pandemic to slow down your sales?
- Is your child a better closer than you are? :)
If you can relate... then this 4-Day Challenge is for you!
This Challenge is for you if:
- You are a 100% commission based sales professional
- You're in one of the following industries:
- Insurance
- Real Estate
- Mortgage
- Network Marketing
- Entrepreneurial
- Sales Team Leaders
Ask Yourself:
What is one skill that, if you were absolutely excellent at it, would help you increase your income the most?
Is it...
- Prospecting
- Obtaining Referrals
- Closing Referral Business
- Or Cold Calling
I will challenge each person to participate in their own rescue, and truly learn how to earn new business.

- Reach more people, faster
- Get people to call you back
- Power words & words to avoid
- Stump questions - Win more appointments!

- Get awesome (multiple) referrals
- Learn the two secrets to win more sales
- Learn how to win referral business
- One word to always avoid when asking for referrals

- Get past the gatekeeper
- The three best closing techniques
- Sales phrases that work
- Learn the best place to find prospects

- The no-contact-left-behind strategy
- Learn the voicemail that gets a 96% call-back rate
- Learn exactly how and when to follow-up
- Learn how to gain momentum quickly

Meet Your Host
Tamara, Master Sales Coach, advises business professionals on how to take their game to entirely new level! She is an accomplished writer and keynote speaker! She has customized a sales process that has inspired thousands of business professionals to run their businesses more efficiently and challenges people to rise above life’s curve balls to achieve their goals.

Zanthia H.
Through Tamara’s coaching program I was able to increase my sales by 50% during the slowest months of the real estate season. I became conscience of my inactivity. Tracking my hourly & daily activities helped me increase my money producing activity.

Terri S.
The first time I heard her speak I was so blown away by her presentation I immediately googled her. Tamara is one of the most gifted women I know. I have taken three of her classes and cannot wait to take another one. She's real and her classes are fun!

Deanna T.
I highly recommend Tamara Bunte!! She's lively and upbeat, knows how to get your attention and how to increase your business through prospecting. I now LOVE PROSPECTING and look forward to Tamara's 3 month in depth training class.

Tony G.
Tamara's coaching skills are unique and refreshing. I can honestly point back to my coaching with Tamara and say that this was the time in my life when my entire sales career took a turn for the better.

Andre C.
Tamara is a master sales coach and trainer. A true talent. I just turned my first cold call to warm call to a new real estate listing!! I'm glad I took her sales course and am looking forward to mastering the next.

Addison L.
Changing our voicemail scripting alone has proven to be an immediate success. My callback rate has never been higher, and I’ve landed several deals from the callbacks this week alone. My hat’s off to Tamara.
Ready to Upgrade Your Sales Skills? Join Now!
Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.