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Do you see yourself the way God sees you? What has to happen for you to max out at your potential? It’s been said that if you don’t know where you are going, everything may appear as an obstacle or as a burden. Can you identify where you need to fine toon your identity to elevate your God given talents? What It’s kind of like is trading in a leased car for the newer version, that’s what renewing our spirit can do. There is always something better! This presentation is all about increasing our faith and destroying the lies of scarcity and doubt.

  • What does it look like to max out at your potential?
  • Are you becoming the best you or a second-rate version of someone else?
  • “Made” Who are you being “made” into?
  • How to live out your destiny based on the gifts God gave you

"Tamara and I worked together in a group session and individually several years back. Her coaching skills are unique and refreshing. I can honestly point back to my coaching with Tamara and say that this was the time in my life when my entire sales career took a turn for the better. Thank you Tamara for who you are and the impact you are making."

Tony Garshnick

50% Complete

Two Step

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