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Train the Trainer Program: 4-Day (Coaching Certification)

Are un-motivated people costing you MONEY? Discover powerful techniques for motivating your team and influencing your clients! Do you ask yourself any of the following questions?  Why do I make the same mistakes over and over?  Why don’t I have enough time?  Why don’t people work harder?  How do I motivate my team and me?  How can I get clients to say yes faster?  Why am I always procrastinating?  Where has my passion gone?  How do we standardize training to control people’s behaviors?  How do we assess and what does it take to be a good trainer?

Not everyone has the same personality type, goals and motivation level.  The train the trainer program will equip the managing team to influence the entire team to embrace new ways of building business and create consistency within the company culture.


Day 1: How to master the art of influence and motivate anyone to action:

  • INSPIRE yourself and others to higher levels of performance (motivate even the most de-motivated)
  • INFLUENCE others (and yourself) to get out of their comfort zone and embrace new challenges Coaching skills 101
  • Use ADVANCED communication and rapport skills to WIN people over to your way of thinking
  • Understand the difference between a manager and a leader (and when to be in one role or the other)


Day 2: Progressive coaching tools:

  • Incorporate goal setting strategies that ENSURE your team WILL achieve their goals
  • Learn how to grow the strengths of your team to be even more effective
  • Create and maintain a results focused environment (accountability without micro-managing)
  • How to coach through personal problems interfering with work


Day 3: Learn the modern art of creating leaders:

  • Overcome fear and INCREASE self-confidence
  • Learn the language of influence (ask quality questions to create consistent action)
  • Destroy old destructive patterns and CREATE new empowering beliefs.
  • How to coach people with bad attitudes and skilled procrastinators to actually CHANGE!


Day 4: Creating and sustaining new behaviors:

  • Strategies to create change even in the toughest circumstances
  • Integrate the learnings and anchor in your new leadership skills once and for all!
  • Create a plan of action to take these learnings and implement them immediately

4-Day Training, Materials, & Results Coach Certification
Minimum 10 people, maximum 50 people

(2-Day version includes materials but no certification)

"This was an eye opening, wowing, emotional experience I will never forget."

Chris Cicchinelli
CEO, Pure Romance

50% Complete

Two Step

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