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Are you great at remembering names? Are some people just born with a good memory or are you just a face person but can’t remember names?

Either way, anyone can be great at remembering names if they train their brain correctly. As it’s been said, a student is only as good as the teacher can teach! Why is it that in a classroom some students exceed and other don’t? I would argue that the teacher is to blame. Not everyone receives information the same way, but once you learn techniques on how to take an A or D student through proven techniques on how to learn, you will know the secret to creating behavior change. Can you go to the grocery store without a list and remember each item? If not it’s not because you just forgot it’s because you used a memory system that fails. Persuasion is a learned skill, it’s not something you are born with. 

  • Salesmanship – What it takes to impress an audience with memory techniques
  • How to control your energy or vibe that others feel from you
  • Making an impression – How to get your phone to ring
  • Learn how to remember names and ready eye movements

"Tamara is not just a fantastic speaker and sales guru, she inspires you with her energy, optimism and humor as well as her passion for helping you to reach your personal and professional goals. Her purpose-driven attitude is infectious!"

Mike Murray

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