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Do you have more than 10 business cards on your desk right now? If so, I’m talking to you! Master your Time and Get More Done!

The average person spends ten hours a week looking for information; that means you had a note on a piece of paper and maybe you scanned it into your computer but it’s also in a pile somewhere. We’ve heard from the Time Management experts, “Check your email twice a day, touch that piece of paper once.” Yikes! “I have that piece of paper and I’ve been holding it for two hours – um where do I put it? Oh I bought the organizational system for papers but now I’m so organized (too organized) I can’t find that one piece of paper that I touched once and I need to touch it again, but I can’t find it!” This 3-hour workshop is designed to empower salespeople to free up their time to do what they do best, sell. Learn how to find information easily (organization) and master paper and technology all at once. Manage your time in a more systematic manner and notice the joy of communicating more effectively with your clients. Learn the flow of organization so that you procrastinate no more!  Maximize your time and make more money!


Session Outline: How to handle Paper

  • Clean-up your desk!  Where to put business cards and how to find them

  • Where to file papers and how to find what you need fast

  • Reduce paperwork fatigue – learn how to stop feeling overwhelmed

  • How to batch work and gain extra time

  • Create a time management system that you can actually follow

  • How to handle distractions

  • Reduce Anxiety! Time is emotional ~How to work with your energy cycles

  • How to set priorities!  Money producing activity comes first!


Session Outline: How to effectively use Technology (Outlook/Gmail/CRM)

  • Overview of the basics (Calendar invites and follow-up tasks etc.)

  • How to organize your inbox to reduce anxiety due to an overwhelming flood of email

  • Where to put stuff (how to organize your folders)

  • How to organize your contacts to support prospecting and proper follow-up

  • How to handle referrals and organizing a follow-up system

  • What do you put on your calendar vs. your task list vs. your to-do list.

  • How to clean up your contacts with a No Contact Left Behind Strategy

  • Advanced tips and tricks for being even more efficient

  • How to integrate paper and technology so that they work together!

"Tamara gives incredibly insightful pointers to any sales professional. Her knowledge base and tips will help any sales team go from good to great. I highly recommend Tamara Bunte!"

Jeffrey Edge
Viking Mergers & Acquisitions

50% Complete

Two Step

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