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Faith is seeing a rainbow in each tear

Believing is important but the most important thing in life is taking action. The greatest example I’ve ever seen of a man taking action everyday was Christopher Reeve.  Who here remembers Christopher Reeve ….. Superman?  What a great example and inspiration of a man taking action every day, an outstanding husband, father and true leader.

 Just before Christopher Reeve passed away, he did an interview with Larry King.  Larry asked him a question, that quite frankly made me feel a bit uncomfortable because of the condition of Christopher Reeve.  I mean, here was a guy who was in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the neck down and Larry asked him this:

 “Does it bother you that at one point in your life you were the strongest man on the planet, you were superman.  People from all over the world knew you, they adored you, kids would run home from school to watch you on TV.  You were a...

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Win the Chief...Win the Tribe

I started out my career as a life coach and still get calls today to help teenagers.  What I learned early on is that I can help the child but if I don't help the parent (the chief) problems still persist.  

It's the same with a sales team.  Weekly I get asked to train sales staff but it's the leadership (the chiefs)  that must create the systems to influence the sales team.  There is an old saying that "A tree dies from the tips in, not the roots up." I'm usually the mediator between upper managment and a sales team.  There is usually two different perspectives on what is wrong.  The biggest gap is a lack of systems and processes.  There must be a benchmark for results! 

Anytime a new sales person is hired they come with good habits and bad habits and I promise you, they don't come knowing your expectations.  

If you don't have standards in place, everyone will set their own standards ~ 
This is the danger zone! 


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Maybe The Blessing is at the Bottom?

We all face various trials and I’ve had more than I would have chosen, but I found my blessing at the bottom.  I found that hope grows down there at the bottom. It's where the pain can escape your bones because that's where we feel it.  This is how I looked up and moved towards the little glimmer of light that I could see, way down at the bottom of the barrel.  

My latest trial was just a few weeks ago when I had a client break their contract with me on wicked terms.  Since I’m an accountability coach, lying, stealing, and cheating are negative (evil) behaviors that I point out.  This company was stealing from me and cheating me so I hired my attorney... this is when I really got angry.  Although, my awesome attorney presented the clear-cut evidence of their theft, the company decided to respond with a letter filled with deceit, and that's when my anger consumed me.  This is when I said, "why God don't you stand up for me? You can...

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Every Batman Has A Joker – Conquer Sales Fears

Batman is one of my favorite Super hero’s because he’s actually human.  Every time he went to save the city of Gotham or a person from danger, guess who showed up to stop him? The Joker!  All of us have a Batman and a Joker inside of us.   There is a tug of war between doing right and doing wrong. It’s the seed of greed and the spirit of light that can keep us torn from stepping into our greatness.  It’s natural to fear what we don’t understand and in some cases it’s healthy to do so, but when it comes to sales fears it’s a costly fear to believe that cold calling doesn’t work.  It absolutely works, in fact it’s so effective I built my business on it and I’m going on 14 years!  Did you know that most businesses fail within the first year they are in business?  I would argue that they just didn’t learn how to pick up the phone and cold call, oops I mean, make new friends. ...

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Wonder Woman ~ Spiritual Truths that Unlock Freedom

Wonder Woman ~ Spiritual Truths that Unlock Freedom 
I was SO excited for the New Wonder Woman movie to be released!  The previous Wonder Woman movie was so personally impactful that I had to see what spiritual truths might be unveiled in this newest film.
Wonder Woman 2017 was personally impactful for me because it was how I started on my journey of forgiveness.  At the very end of the movie, Wonder Woman is fighting against Ares.  He could easily be compared to the joker in Batman.  The entire premise is "good vs. evil." Areas wants Wonder Woman to kill the bad lady who wants to gas and kill 15 million people.  At the very end she is holding up a mac truck and was in a position to kill her, (which would save million of lives) but she hesitates and she says, "It's not about what you deserve, it's about what I believe,” then she put the truck down and let her live.  She then said "I believe in love." Wow,...
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How to Ask for Referrals…The Classy Way

Cold calling is super effective…if you know what you are doing! What I can’t understand is why so many companies emphasize prospecting (cold calling) aka making new friends :), when the majority of companies I consult with don’t even ask their current clients (people that love them) for referrals? The answer is they just don’t know how to do it!  Sure, I could call  you and say, “Hey, who do you know that would be interested in working with me?”, but I would rate this “ask” as an F-. Why? Because referrals have nothing to do with me! Referrals have everything to do with you “my client” and your friends.  Have you heard the line “Your referrals are the greatest compliment I could receive?” Yuck! Or worse: “I build my business on your referrals.” Who cares? Sorry, but this is so unprofessional.

Let’s break this down; referrals are NOT about you so it’s not a...

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Marketing vs. Sales


What is the difference between Marketing and Sales?

Both are about increasing revenue. Unfortunately, most sales professionals confuse how they approach their daily tasks.  “Selling” Is all about the bottom line and is about converting a prospect into a client by obtaining a contract or collecting a credit card number (exchanging “something” for money). “Marketing” is about getting a product known.  

I have received the exact same marketing piece in the mail from “Hello Fresh” five times.  I’m aware that they deliver food and I have heard good things.  Their Marketing is good.  But Marketing is not Sales.  In most cases, usually less than 10% of the time, a prospect like me, would actually pick up the phone or go to their website and sign up for their service.

“Sales” would be the company, Hello Fresh, actually “calling on the telephone” to sign me up. ...

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5 Ways To Be More Productive


Wouldn’t it be great if there were just a pill to take to make us get more done?  Here is the good news!  There is a way to actually max out at your potential and a way to actually become the best version of yourself, but the answer isn’t in the next diet or the next new gadget.  The answer is something not talked about often because it’s the secret to happiness and productivity.  I hear people praying for more energy, joy, and peace but I don’t think God will zip down from heaven and fix these problems. Why?  Because he already gave us the ability to feel joy and have passion, and he gave us the gift of peace.  So it’s not God’s job to answer this prayer because he already has.  We must take responsibility for how we are feeling and to get ourselves in a place to actually feel joy, peace, and passion.

Einstein said that you cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created the problem. ...

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How To Tell If You Are Organized? Discipline + Organization = Goal Achievement


Did you achieve your 2019 goals? 

Your results are tied to your organization.  I hear the critics, “I’m successful but I’m not organized” as a coach I would challenge what success means to you?  What is your benchmark to determine your success level?  The average sales person spends 10 hours a week looking for information!  The way to determine if you are organized is if you can find something within 30 seconds and I don’t mean searching for someones phone number from an email signature.  Organization is a mindset and a system.  Typically people have two, new years resolutions.  Make more money and lose weight.  The main reason so many people don’t accomplish their resolutions is because they don’t set themselves up for success and they typically have the same thought/energy level that they stay stuck in.   In order to break free from the strongholds of last year we must do...

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The difference between “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” Why do some “know” what to do but others “execute?”


The difference between “Knowledge” and “Wisdom”
Why do some “know” what to do but others “execute?”

There is a huge gap today between what people “know” and what people actually “practice.” I was working with a group of real-estate sales agents and asked the audience, “Who here likes to go running?” Of the 200 people 10 people actually liked running. Of the 190 that remained, I asked, “Do you run even though you don’t like it?” Zero hands went up. It dawned on me that if you don’t like to do something like make “Cold Calls”, you simply don’t do them. If you like to run you will learn how to be really good at it. If you like to prospect you will want to get really good at it, too.

As a Sales Coach picking up the phone for me is easy, but only because i've practiced how to do it the right way.  When it comes to maybe, working out :/ I need an accountability...

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