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Wonder Woman ~ Spiritual Truths that Unlock Freedom

Wonder Woman ~ Spiritual Truths that Unlock Freedom 
I was SO excited for the New Wonder Woman movie to be released!  The previous Wonder Woman movie was so personally impactful that I had to see what spiritual truths might be unveiled in this newest film.
Wonder Woman 2017 was personally impactful for me because it was how I started on my journey of forgiveness.  At the very end of the movie, Wonder Woman is fighting against Ares.  He could easily be compared to the joker in Batman.  The entire premise is "good vs. evil." Areas wants Wonder Woman to kill the bad lady who wants to gas and kill 15 million people.  At the very end she is holding up a mac truck and was in a position to kill her, (which would save million of lives) but she hesitates and she says, "It's not about what you deserve, it's about what I believe,” then she put the truck down and let her live.  She then said "I believe in love." Wow,...
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5 Ways to Destroy Procrastination (you should read later…LOL)

How to Stop Procrastinating (Later is NOW!)

Procrastination, the opposite of making a “Decision,” is a common enemy of us all.  Without mastering decision-making we may, over time, become skilled in what we despise: procrastination.   I like to think of procrastination as just “postponed decisions,” but it’s been proven over and over again that putting off making decisions results in feeling down about yourself, proves a decrease or lack of financial gain, and can create massive confusion in one’s aspirations.  Confusion is the chief cause of worry, tension, and stress.   If you are confused as to where to put a certain document, and just place that document on a pile on your desk, you are in-fact delaying making a decision and you will inevitably feel overwhelmed.  Lack of systems and processes can create so much inner stress. And, if you clean up that pile, but then...

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How to Ask for Referrals…The Classy Way

Cold calling is super effective…if you know what you are doing! What I can’t understand is why so many companies emphasize prospecting (cold calling) aka making new friends :), when the majority of companies I consult with don’t even ask their current clients (people that love them) for referrals? The answer is they just don’t know how to do it!  Sure, I could call  you and say, “Hey, who do you know that would be interested in working with me?”, but I would rate this “ask” as an F-. Why? Because referrals have nothing to do with me! Referrals have everything to do with you “my client” and your friends.  Have you heard the line “Your referrals are the greatest compliment I could receive?” Yuck! Or worse: “I build my business on your referrals.” Who cares? Sorry, but this is so unprofessional.

Let’s break this down; referrals are NOT about you so it’s not a...

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Proverbs 22:29 - The verse of a Successful Salesperson

"Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men." Proverbs 22:29

I've seen it a million times, a sales person keeping their head above poverty then I train them, sit next to them and show them how to build their business and make money and they then transform into a diligent and skillful professional sales person.  

In coaching there is a saying, “Just before a breakthrough happens confusion occurs.” Sometimes when we are down and out and there seems to be no way out, the answer is just around the corner. Failure is only final if you give up.  I firmly believe that when you're down to nothing, God is up to something.  Always remember though that we must take personal responsibility for all of our actions. God gave us 2 legs, 2 arms, eyes and ears so we have control over our temple.  We must tap into what the Lord has already given us, not sit and wait for money to fall from...

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Become a Doctor of Selling


Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in the abundance of counselors there is victory” Proverbs 11:14

When I think of a Doctor, I think of someone that paved through the rugged terrain of chemistry and biology and worked their tail off to be considered the, “best of the best,” it is the highest honor, it is who we seek to model ourselves after.  If you’ve traveled the rugged terrain of cold calling but haven’t gotten your PhD in results just yet, read on.

Receiving a doctorate is like reaching a goal.  In sales we don’t get a cool piece of paper that says, you worked really hard and deserve this, but we do get a big paycheck!  In sales you get one of two things, results or reasons.  I know which one you want. Let’s explore what it takes to get a PhD in results, e.g., a big paycheck.

When we go to see a Doctor they will first conduct an examination of the current situation and ask questions to...

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Marketing vs. Sales


What is the difference between Marketing and Sales?

Both are about increasing revenue. Unfortunately, most sales professionals confuse how they approach their daily tasks.  “Selling” Is all about the bottom line and is about converting a prospect into a client by obtaining a contract or collecting a credit card number (exchanging “something” for money). “Marketing” is about getting a product known.  

I have received the exact same marketing piece in the mail from “Hello Fresh” five times.  I’m aware that they deliver food and I have heard good things.  Their Marketing is good.  But Marketing is not Sales.  In most cases, usually less than 10% of the time, a prospect like me, would actually pick up the phone or go to their website and sign up for their service.

“Sales” would be the company, Hello Fresh, actually “calling on the telephone” to sign me up. ...

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5 Ways To Be More Productive


Wouldn’t it be great if there were just a pill to take to make us get more done?  Here is the good news!  There is a way to actually max out at your potential and a way to actually become the best version of yourself, but the answer isn’t in the next diet or the next new gadget.  The answer is something not talked about often because it’s the secret to happiness and productivity.  I hear people praying for more energy, joy, and peace but I don’t think God will zip down from heaven and fix these problems. Why?  Because he already gave us the ability to feel joy and have passion, and he gave us the gift of peace.  So it’s not God’s job to answer this prayer because he already has.  We must take responsibility for how we are feeling and to get ourselves in a place to actually feel joy, peace, and passion.

Einstein said that you cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created the problem. ...

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The Connection Between Self-Worth and Time Management


What or who do we let waste our time and why?  Does your Facebook persona match who you really are and how you see yourself?  Numerous studies are proving that Facebook can create sadness or depression.  Why?  Perhaps we compare ourselves to the greener grass in our feed?  I have a friend that posts the perfect family photos, but her husband is cheating on her.  Is the photo depicted an accurate snapshot of that relationship?  Studies have proven that when you project a different realty than what you are really experiencing it heightens ones anxiety. When you view your life as valuable, you’ll view your time that way too. The level to which you love yourself, your self-worth and how you choose to spend your time run hand in hand.

Your time is dictated by what you value most… If you don’t value yourself, then your time is not valued by any standard and thus wasted by who or what you allow to waste it.

Here is what is...

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How To Tell If You Are Organized? Discipline + Organization = Goal Achievement


Did you achieve your 2019 goals? 

Your results are tied to your organization.  I hear the critics, “I’m successful but I’m not organized” as a coach I would challenge what success means to you?  What is your benchmark to determine your success level?  The average sales person spends 10 hours a week looking for information!  The way to determine if you are organized is if you can find something within 30 seconds and I don’t mean searching for someones phone number from an email signature.  Organization is a mindset and a system.  Typically people have two, new years resolutions.  Make more money and lose weight.  The main reason so many people don’t accomplish their resolutions is because they don’t set themselves up for success and they typically have the same thought/energy level that they stay stuck in.   In order to break free from the strongholds of last year we must do...

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The difference between “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” Why do some “know” what to do but others “execute?”


The difference between “Knowledge” and “Wisdom”
Why do some “know” what to do but others “execute?”

There is a huge gap today between what people “know” and what people actually “practice.” I was working with a group of real-estate sales agents and asked the audience, “Who here likes to go running?” Of the 200 people 10 people actually liked running. Of the 190 that remained, I asked, “Do you run even though you don’t like it?” Zero hands went up. It dawned on me that if you don’t like to do something like make “Cold Calls”, you simply don’t do them. If you like to run you will learn how to be really good at it. If you like to prospect you will want to get really good at it, too.

As a Sales Coach picking up the phone for me is easy, but only because i've practiced how to do it the right way.  When it comes to maybe, working out :/ I need an accountability...

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